Monday, 18 May 2020

Lockdown Cooking - Homemade Easy Cake Recipe

Homemade Cake Recipe - Easy Cake Recipe

Here we go a super easy Homemade Cake Recipe without oven, without egg. You can try this easy to cook recipe with few ingredients which are generally available in your kitchen.


  1. Suji or rawa -1 cup
  2. Maida -1/2 Cup
  3. Sugar 1 cup
  4. Dry Fruits
  5. Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
  6. Baking Powder - 1 tsp
  7. Milk 2 Cup
  8. Refined Oil 1 cup
  9. Vanilla essence few drops
  10. A tin box in which you want to bake the cake
  11. butter paper - 1


  1. Grind Suji in mixer and take it in bowl.
  2. Add refined oil and mix it well
  3. Now add sugar in mixture and mix it with 1 cup of milk
  4. In a separate bowl take maida and add baking soda and baking powder mix it well.
  5. Now add this small quantity of maida mix in previous cake batter and mix it with milk. Mix it well and keep aside. Add few drops of Vanilla Essence.
  6. Add Dry fruits in batter.
  7. Now take your baking dish grease with oil, grease the butter paper also keep this butter paper inside the baking dish.
  8. Now place the batter in baking dish.
  9. Place a pressure cooker on flame now add some salt at bottom, keep a small stand on it, now place the baking dish on the stand and cover the pressure cooker.
  10. Cook it for 50-60 mins.
  11. Garnish with cream and dry fruits.
  12. Your spongy homemade cake is ready to eat.
So guys try this super easy homemade cake during this lock-down period. 
Stay Home, Stay Safe. :)

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